Love me (sms)
Hope ends when you stop believing
and love ends when you stop caring.
So dream hope and love makes Life Beautiful!!!
In the past
Starting from eyes
Growing with gifts
Ending with tears
but today
starting from mobile phones
Growing with balance
share Ending with number busy
Love and death are two uninvited guests
When will they come nobody knows
But Love and death have similar effects
First takes the heart
Second takes its beats.
If ten people care for you,
one of them is me,
if one person cares for you that would be me again,
if no one cares for you
that means i am not in this world.
Multiply it by infinity
take it to the depth
of forever and
you will still only have
a glimpse of how much
I love You!!!
You have no idea how good
it feels to wake up every
morning knowing you are
mine and i am yours
Have a great day darling!!!
Love begins with a smile
Grows with a kiss
And Ends with a tear-drop
Open with Love
If I disturb YOU
I am Sorry!
But I need To Say I!!!
Disturbing you!!!
Never try to uderstand your love relations
they are like diamonds
when you hit them
they dont break
but may slip away from your life
??? Why Do I Love You ???
Because You Are
Always Have Been in My Mind!!!
I was on a ship thinking about you!
when i looked down i dropped
a tear in the ocean,
then i promised myself that until someone finds it I wont forget you!!!
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